By Gary Bourke
Spring is here and it should mean the slow season is drawing to a close. The coming months are usually the time for hard work but with good rewards. I hope you have all used the Winter months to recuperate, scrutinise your business and be prepared for the work that lies ahead. In Queensland, where my business is located, summer comes with a wet season. It is common to have three or four serious storms that generate a lot of restoration work so in Winter we like to have our holidays, check on our procedures and make sure all our business relationships remain healthy.
While on the topic of preparing, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for SCRIA will be held on the 15th October, 2013, in conjunction with the Ausclean Convention, at Rosehill Gardens, Sydney. I would like you all to think about who are the best people to represent you over the next 12 months. Or better still, you may like to be a representative for the Association members. AGM’s are traditionally short with the objective to simply vote on motions that have previously been presented and the election of future office bearers. The most important aspect of this meeting will be the networking function that immediately follows the meeting. Please put the date in your calendar.
You may think that the Water Damage Guidelines have been forgotten. Unfortunately, we have had some forced delays due to the resignation of some of the Committee Members. However, that has only delayed the process and it is still underway. For a number of reasons, we now have three versions of the one document and our secretariat is currently in the process of collating those three documents into one that will be acceptable to all.
In conjunction with our Secretariat, your National Executive are also currently in the process of searching for a suitable person to act as a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Association. This will be a paid part-time position with the object of achieving three main goals:
- Attracting greater membership
- Identifying and achieving greater benefits for members
- Creating a more professional organisation
A number of applicants have already been short-listed and it is hoped the position will be filled by the time of the AGM.
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