News & Events

2023 ISSA Cleaning & Hygiene Expo expands to meet demand

In response to the increased demand from exhibitors, ISSA, the worldwide cleaning industry association, has secured a larger space at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, to accommodate the growing number of participants.

The ISSA Cleaning & Hygiene Expo, which has established itself as the leading event for showcasing the latest innovations in the cleaning and hygiene industry, will be held in Melbourne on 1-2 November, 2023.

“It has been great to hear the positive feedback we received from last year’s event and the enthusiasm from the industry to be part of the upcoming 2023 show,” said Lauren Micallef, Oceania manager, ISSA.

“The floor plan was rapidly filling with a mix of new exhibitors as well past participants taking up bigger and grander stands. As a result, we acted quickly and were successfully able to secure additional hall space to support the growing demand.”

The 33 per cent increase in hall space will provide even more exhibitors with the opportunity to showcase their products and services on a larger scale, allowing them to reach a wider audience and engage with more potential customers.


Friday, 10 February, 2023|

SCRIA Merger Update

SCRIA Votes in Favour of Merger with ISSA

The Australian-based Specialised Cleaning & Restoration Industry Association (SCRIA) has announced that its members have voted to enter an exciting and mutually beneficial merger with ISSA, the leading trade association for the global cleaning industry.

Under the agreement terms, SCRIA members will retain their SCRIA memberships on a local level, but the benefits will expand to include ISSA membership benefits and the resource of a local management office within ISSA’s Oceania division, based in Sydney, Australia. ISSA member benefits available to SCRIA members after the merger include market exposure, networking opportunities, business tools and data, expanded training, and industry information.


Thursday, 15 June, 2017|

Development of “Industry Overview” – calling for contributors

Hello SCRIA Members,

As part of our current restoration working group efforts, we have embarked on an initiative to develop an “Industry Overview” document. The aim of this document is to foster recognition and regulations for the restoration industry.

The target audience for this document is primarily Government officials, Politicians, and other Associations with which our industry is, or would like to be affiliated.

Through the document we want to:

  • Demonstrate some examples of the complex technical/scientific nature of the industry and the level of education required to make decisions
  • Demonstrate safety and health considerations for workers, occupants of premises and others who come into contact with the indoor environment
  • Speak about our involvement with other industries in a positive light

We are seeking expressions of interest from the membership body, to get involved in helping write various sections of this document.

If you are interested in assisting in this process, have a high degree of competency in a specific (or several) areas of restoration, please make contact with the SCRIA office via [email protected] or contact me on 1800 621 872 to discuss which section of the document you would like to write content for.


Thank you in advance,
Gidon Kabaker

SCRIA National President on behalf of SCRIA Board

Tuesday, 20 September, 2016|

Update from the Board – September 2016

The SCRIA Board would like to provide an update to the members to share what we have been working on since elected on the 8th of August.

Confirming our direction

With any new board it is important to get everyone in the same page and define clear goals. This has been a major focus. One of our goals is to get members more involved. We have a number of opportunities for members to join committees which include:

Secretariat Services

It is with great excitement, SCRIA is launching a secretariat service this month This will offer more than basic administration, with key personnel being announced shortly. The Board is extremely focused on helping propel the industry forward and believes this service will benefit all members.

Role of Suppliers

The new Board has voted to change the way suppliers are involved in SCRIA. As a crucial part of the industry, we want to include them via our sponsorship program in addition to sub committees which are currently being formed. However, due to a conflict of interest, the committee feels suppliers should no longer be Board members. For this reason, we regretfully bid farewell to two current board members, who have been very supportive of this decision and support the outcome:

Ivi Sims is a passionate member who brings so much enthusiasm to SCRIA. We thank her for her years of dedication to the SCRIA board through her position as Victorian President and more recently, as National Secretary. The Board is very grateful for her hard work and energy. This is not goodbye, as we look forward to Ivi’s continued involvement as a member. Thank you for everything.

Jenny Boymal has been involved in SCRIA for a number of years. Her passion and drive for the industry is greatly admired. Widely recognised as the backbone of the Board and a great Sponsor, Jenny has always gone above and beyond what is asked of her. The Board is extremely grateful to Jenny for the time and energy she has put into SCRIA. We look forward to continue to working closely with her.

We will recognise the efforts of Ivi and Jenny at the first opportunity we have to get together with our members.

Calendar of events

SCRIA is putting together an annual calendar of events so members can plan what they want to be involved in. Watch this space!

Restoration Focus Group Update

This Group have been working to identify key industry issues, including ‘How we can be recognised as an industry’. Currently comprised of Victorian members, we are seeking volunteers from other states to join the group. Please contact SCRIA National President, Gidon Kabaker if you are interested in promoting our industry.


Gidon Kabaker

SCRIA National President on behalf of the SCRIA Board

Friday, 16 September, 2016|

SCRIA President Update – SA Visit August 13 2016

Dear Members, 

One of my goals as SCRIA’s newly elected President is to communicate with you, the members. I see the members as the heartbeat of the association! I will not be emailing you every day with an update of what SCRIA work I do, but I will give you regular updates with major events that take place.

I would like to share with everyone the great experience I had over the weekend.

As everyone knows one of my goals as National President is to grow SCRIA and make it is a true national association.

I received an invitation from Tony and Leah Ross from Master Class Carpet Cleaning in Adelaide who arranged a meeting with industry professionals from South Australia.

Some of the guys that attended the meeting travelled 400km to make it to the meeting. Now that shows commitment!

It was great to meet everyone and to see how much passion there is for our great industry in South Australia.

For us to have such presence in South Australia and other states means we are going to become stronger as an industry and association; one which can back their members and create a more professional environment.

In the past in my opinion we had too much focus on the east side of Australia and we had forgotten our fellow industry members in the west side and south (eg; Tasmania).

They have a lot to give to our industry.

In the next few months I will make sure that I am touching base with all of them and try to create a bigger and stronger industry.

I also found it very inspiring to speak to people that have physical limitations and which doesn’t stop them from having a very successful business in a very tough environment.

I would like to thank Tony and Leah again for their great hospitality and the other SA guys who made me feel extremely welcome and entertained us.

All I can say is SCRIA is going places and we are going to be better and stronger for it.


Gidon Kabaker

SCRIA National President

Monday, 15 August, 2016|

SCRIA Committee Nominations Now Open

There are a number of Committee positions becoming vacant at the AGM on August 8 and we invite our members to consider joining the SCRIA Committee.

By becoming a member of the SCRIA Committee you can have a great impact on the direction of the industry while also giving back to the industry. Past members who have participated have found the experience very rewarding and valuable. Commitment to the Committee is for a three year period and will include regular teleconferences and a minimum of two face to face meetings per year.

If you are interested please complete the nomination form and return by 29th July 2016 to [email protected].


  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • State President – QLD
  • State President – VIC

Committee Nomination Forms can be downloaded here and must be received by the Returning Officer by email at [email protected] or by post addressed to Specialised Cleaning & Restoration Industry Association, PO Box 414 Seaford VIC 3198 by 5pm Friday 29th July 2016.  If more than one nomination is received for any Office of the Association and/or the number of nominations for Committee membership exceeds the number of vacancies, a ballot will be conducted at the annual general meeting. Only current members of the Association are eligible to nominate and be nominated for.

Date: Monday 8th August 2016
Time: 4.30pm – 5.15pm
Venue: Jena Dyco International – Unit 22/23-25 Bunney Rd Oakleigh South VIC 3167

Friday, 22 July, 2016|


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Specialised Cleaning & Restoration Industry Association (SCRIA) is to be held on Monday 8th August in Melbourne at Jena Dyco International. The AGM will commence at 4.30pm– 5.15pm.. Members are invited to forward agenda items to the Returning Office by email [email protected] prior to close of business 29th July 2016 at 5pm.

Please download the 2016 AGM agenda, click here.

Based on Clause 43 of the SCRIA Constitution, the SCRIA Board consists of 7 directors – Office Bearers: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer and At Large Directors: State Presidents – NSW, QLD and VIC. As pre Clause 55.2 the President is up for election, Vice President is up for election, Treasurer remains elected until end 2017/2018, Secretary is up for election, State President NSW remains elected until end 2016/2017, State President QLD is up for election and State President VIC up for election.

Thus nominations for the following positions are open:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • State President – QLD
  • State President – VIC

Mark Carey has advised that he needs to step down from the committee due to work commitments.

Committee Nomination Forms can be downloaded here and must be received by the Returning Officer by email at [email protected] or by post addressed to Specialised Cleaning & Restoration Industry Association, PO Box 414 Seaford VIC 3198 by 5pm Friday 29th July 2016.  If more than one nomination is received for any Office of the Association and/or the number of nominations for Committee membership exceeds the number of vacancies, a ballot will be conducted at the annual general meeting. Only current members of the Association are eligible to nominate and be nominated for.

Should you be unable to attend the AGM your vote can be deferred to a proxy. Please find the proxy form can be downloaded here. This must be returned to SCRIA by Friday 29th July 2016.

For regional and interstate members that are unable to attend, we will be organising a teleconference so that you can participate in this AGM. Further details will be advised closer to the date.

Date: Monday 8th August 2016
Time: 4.30pm – 5.15pm
Venue: Jena Dyco International – Unit 22/23-25 Bunney Rd Oakleigh South VIC 3167
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 1800 621 872

Friday, 8 July, 2016|

QLD Member & Industry Meeting | 13th July 2016

A perfect opportunity to catch up with your industry peers and like-minded professionals. Come and join us to find out what has been going on in our ever changing industry. Plus hear from our special guest speakers.

Date: Wednesday 13th July 2016

Time: 6.30pm – 9.00pm

Location: Focused on Cleaning – Shed 7 493 South Street Toowoomba QLD



6.30pm Dinner

7.30pm SCRIA Update

7.40pm Industry Presentations

8.30pm Networking

Cost: Free

RSVP by 10th July:

Register Online at

or call 1800 621 872

Wednesday, 15 June, 2016|Tags: , , |

New IICRC S500 Changes Roadshow | August 2016







Did you know? The new IICRC S500 standard has been released.

There are major changes that effect your business if you do water damage work.


Your Presenters will be Larry Carlson, S500 Committee Member and Scott McFadzen, IICRC Water Damage Instructor.


  • Restorers
  • Indoor Environmental Professionals
  • Insurers
  • Insurance Assessors
  • Loss Adjusters
  • Carpet Cleaners
  • Occupational Hygienists


  • Melbourne – 8th August
  • Adelaide – 10th August (Change of Date)
  • Brisbane – 12th August

Please note – at this stage Sydney and Perth sessions have been postponed till further notice.


Call Jena Dyco to register now! 1300 192 968

There are special rates for SCRIA members!

Hard copy of the standards are also now available for sale – call Jena Dyco to secure your copy now.

Phone: 1300 192 968 | Email: [email protected]


Friday, 6 May, 2016|

SCRIA VIC Meeting & Networking | 13th May

The discussion forum this time will be a quick review of the SCRIA sponsors followed by a presentations about specialty cleaning. Hosted by Elements Specialty Cleaning & Restoration.

Date: 13th May 2016

Time: 6.00pm – 9.00pm

Location:  Elements Specialty Cleaning & Restoration | 1/8 Bray Street Hastings VIC

RSVP by 13th May 2016, Book Online



Saturday, 30 April, 2016|