The QLD meeting on Wednesday 18 March went very much according to plan and ran like a well-oiled machine – on time and on budget.
All in all 39 guests turned up for the QLD SCRIA evening.
Thank you very much to Garry Carroll from All Aces for donating his premises, time, food and drink to all existing members, non-members and soon to be members.
Garry’s rug cleaning demonstration was very informative and it was great to up close and personal to a true Rug Master. The question time at the end was very informative, with Gary freely exchanging ideas about one of his areas of expertise.
Unfortunately due to 5 broken ribs and a punctured lung and broken scapula (shoulder bone) our speaker, Jon Mailer from the National College of Business was unable to join us on the night, however in the true spirit of the NCB’s passion and heart for small business they still sent in their $500 voucher to given away as a lucky door prize on the night. We wish him well with his recovery.
Mathew Taylor from Shift Solutions valiantly stood in for Jan and spoke about the Risks in Business from IT perspective, I was especially intrigued to learn that 80% of business that lose data for any one of a myriad of reasons will more than likely not be able to recover and go fail within 5 years. Data can be lost from Malicious Software, lack of backup to external drive and taken off site and failure of hardware.
We held the SCRIA meeting which was very friendly and informal, a genuine exchange of ideas in a relaxed and friendly manner. The executive committee updated the members as to the plans to get Massive Membership Benefits sorted this weekend, more details to follow.
A very special mention to Mr. Gary Bourke from PHJ (whom only last year retired from the National President Position) who not only drove a long way from the Gold Coast, but just last week suffered a stroke (good form Gary) we all wish you well in your recovery.
To finish of the night we drew the lucky door prizes which went off like a frog in a sock with $1500 in prizes being given away on the night with a total of 10 winners, there were some redraws as the condition was you had to be present for the draw.
Special mention goes out to the guys from PowerClean Industries Noosaville who not only drive along way on mass (Wayne and Corallea Edwards, and James Bethel) but also brought along a sack full of goodies to give away. We all loved seeing the Duk Corner Guards in action with, get this, MOVING PARTS!! Plus Controbium Mould products which we all agreed is a tough name to say for a great product that is just as tough on mould!
Was great to have Jenny Boymal from Jena Dyco, not only for her wonderful knowledgeable presence, but also gave away a voucher for $300 to be redeemed against one of their courses.
Toby from Carpet Cleaners Warehouse was there in spirit, but his Flash Extractor Spot Lifter worth $280 was given away about as fast as it lifts spots – Thank you Toby.
Was such a great night and no one wanted to go home, that we had to have security finally kick everyone out at 9.30.
Looking forward to the next event! We are hoping to have an online meeting for the next meeting so that our friends and members from further afield can get to join in on the good times and not have so long between drinks, so stay tuned for more details.
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